Due to a technical malfunction, you cannot reach us by phone at the moment. In urgent medical emergencies, please use the practice emergency cell phone.

We are a couple trying to conceive

We are a lesbian couple and wish to have a child

I want to be a single mom

I am interested in social freezing

Fertility preservation e.g. before chemotherapy or surgery (Fertiprotekt)

You have been diagnosed with cancer and are about to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or an operation that could irreversibly damage the function of your ovaries or testicles?

We would like to help you in this difficult situation. We offer you a quick and uncomplicated appointment for an individual consultation on the various options for preserving fertility.

Ihr Erstgespräch

Finden Sie jetzt Ihren Wunschtermin für Ihr Erstgespräch.

Your initial consultation

Choose your preferred date for your initial consultation now.

Your initial consultation

Das 1999 gegründete Kinderwunschzentrum Gelsenkirchen wird seit Januar 2022 in zweiter Generation von den erfahrenen Reproduktionsmedizinerinnen Dr. Sandra Stettner und Sarah Suttor geführt.

The Gelsenkirchen Fertility Center, founded in 1999, has been managed by the experienced reproductive physicians Dr. Sandra Stettner and Sarah Suttor since January 2022.

Availability by phone
Mo, Di, Do 7-16
Mi u Fr 7-14

Opening hours practice
(by telephone agreement)
Mo 7-17
Di u Do 7-18
Mi u Fr 7-14